Online Order FAQ's > Organic Ghee, Raw Honey etc."

Online Order FAQ's

Online Order Related FAQ's

Who do I contact if I have a complaint?

You can contact our Customer Care over email on contact or Call on 135-4150929.

If I want to give feedback where should I write to?

You can write to Customer Care on " "

How can I give my feedback on the quality of your customer service?

We value your feedback. You can express that to us via email/on-call/SMS.

What is your customer service number?

Our customer service number +91 135-4150929.

How will I get informed of any new offers or promotions at your store?

You will find offers on our Barsana App/website. You will also be informed of the same via WhatsApp, SMS, and on the query with customer care as well.

I want to add more items to my cart. The order has not yet been shipped. Is that possible?

No, that will not be possible; you will have to raise a new order.

Will I be charged if I cancel my order after it has been shipped?

Yes, you will have to pay 2-way delivery incurring charges.

I got a message informing me that my order had been shipped. But I want to cancel a few items. Can I do that now?

Unfortunately, you cannot. However, you can return those items upon delivery.

Do you have a cut-off time for placing online orders?

No, you can place your order any time 24*7 on our app or website.