Community development with sanjeevani organics
Community Development with Sanjeevani Organics
Sanjeevani organics, not only working for "organic food production" but putting its best efforts for community developemnt. Sanjeevani take the resposibilty of the areas not in term of 'agricultural development' but also working for 'living standrads' of the community participating with
Sanjeevani beleive that a company can not grow alone but by the company "Education, Sanitation, Employment, Skill development" etc are areas of concentration for the company.the participation of stake holders in growth is key point. Sustainable developement not in terms of ecological but community development is essential.
Sanjeevani always keep the upcoming generation in mind and what we are leaving for them will be our footprint for the future. Eduacated and awarw population with 'healthy body and mind is asset of the country'.
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